Tulsa Airport (TUL) Flights to Sanford Airport Airport (SFB)

We've found the cheapest flights to Sanford

Returns from £101.32

One-way from £42.75

Travelling from Tulsa International to Orlando Sanford International is not a very popular route. There is however one airliner offer flights which is Allegiant Air. The flight time is approximately 2 Hours 42 Minutes.

The cost of flights varies on the time and day you fly. The cheapest flights available will generally be mid week or late in the evening, so if you are on a budget then these are the flight times you should consider. Alternatively, you could book well in advance and you flight could be up to 50% cheaper, especially with budget airliners. The ticket prices for most airliners will increase the closer you get the departure date, so as soon as you know the date you will travel you should book your flights.

The time zone at Orlando Sanford International is different from Tulsa International, so please be aware of this when making travel arrangements.

For a full summary of all the airliners that fly from Tulsa International to Orlando Sanford International , please see the table below.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Allegiant Air100011017:4521:14VIEW FLIGHTS

Most people choose to fly with Allegiant Air. They offer the largest number of flights so they have times which are most likely to suite you. The flights they offer will go by the flight numbers G41279 with times between 17:45 and 21:14.

If you would like more information on this flight the please visit the website for Allegiant Air at www.allegiantair.com/. You will be able to find the latest availability, prices and make your booking online.

Flight times for the route are summarised in the table below. These time were correct at the time of writing, but please be aware that times may vary from time to time so please check their website for exact times and the dates you wish to fly.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
Allegiant AirG41279
AirlineFlight  No
Allegiant AirG41279
AirlineFlight  No
Allegiant AirG42972

If you are flexible on the airport you depart from, then there are other airports that offer direct flights to Orlando Sanford International . You can see full details of these below.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Wichita Mid Continent to Orlando Sanford02 Hours 55 Minutes
Oklahoma City Will Rogers World to Orlando Sanford02 Hours 49 Minutes
Springfield Branson Rg to Orlando Sanford02 Hours 32 Minutes
Fayetteville Northwest Arkansas Regional to Orlando Sanford02 Hours 33 Minutes

Over the past 10 years flight regulations have become very strict so we advise you to leave plenty of time to check in and get through customs.

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Flight Price FAQ - Tulsa (TUL) to Sanford (SFB)

DIRECT Allegiant Air
What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Tulsa TUL to Sanford SFB?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Tulsa TUL to Sanford SFB is £42.75 ($54 €50.56)
$54 | €50.56
Check Latest Price
DIRECT Allegiant Air
What is the cheapest direct return flight from Tulsa TUL to Sanford SFB?
The cheapest direct return flight from Tulsa TUL to Sanford SFB is £101.32 ($128 €119.84)
$128 | €119.84
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Tulsa (TUL) to Sanford (SFB)

Who flies from Tulsa to Sanford?
The following airlines fly from Tulsa (TUL) to Sanford (SFB): Allegiant Air.
How far is the flight from Tulsa to Sanford?
The flight from Tulsa to Sanford is 1,600KM or 994 miles.
How long does the flight from Tulsa to Sanford to take?
The flight from Tulsa to Sanford takes 2 Hours 42 Minutes.

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